Financing options with Nova Funeral Cars

At Nova Funeral Cars, we understand that your business needs may vary. That's why we offer financing options that are flexible and adapt to your situation. With easy terms and clear agreements, you can invest in your new funeral car!
Tailored Financing
Leasing for Flexibility:
Invest in Quality

Step 1: Identifying your needs

We start with a thorough inventory of your needs and financial needs. By understanding your needs, we can create a customized financing plan that's perfect for you. Thanks to our broad network, we can also help you find the right insurance.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Finance Company

Next, we will look for the financing company that best suits your specific situation. We'll look at various options and select the one that offers the most favorable terms and rates. Thanks to years of experience with a wide range of financiers, we always find the right match!

Step 3: Apply for funding

Once the right finance company has been chosen, we will submit the financing application. We will guide you through the entire process and ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted correctly and in a timely manner.

Step 4: Vehicle Acceptance and Delivery

After approval of the financing, we finalize all the details and ensure a smooth delivery of the vehicle. We're here to make sure you hit the road happy and confident with your new purchase.

Do you need a tailored financing offer?

Get in touch

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At Nova Funeral Cars, we understand that a vehicle is more than a cost; it is an investment in the future of your service.

Tailored Financing
Choose our leasing options and enjoy convenient terms with clear agreements so you can invest in your new funeral car!
Leasing for Flexibility:
Our financial expert works closely with you to find the best investment option that suits your financial needs.
Invest in Quality
Let yourself be unburdened and invest in quality with peace of mind so that you can upgrade your services.